I just donated to Leaders We Deserve(David Hogg)as I feel it is as important to support our future leaders as it is to support public schools. This is the main reason Reichpublicans have worked so hard to gut public education. They hate informed voters/legislators.

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I volunteer with some groups that target unregistered voters that trend Democratic. FT 6 uses data mining to find them, and and uses "every outreach method possible (email, text, postcard, phone, targeted ad, and in-person too), in key swing states and districts where new Democrats will make the most impact. " Leaders We Deserve should partner with them.


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Hi Fred, I saw on Twitter you are looking for Dem candidates to interview for your MT podcast, I don't have a Twitter account, so I'll post here.

Some people have been saying, Oh maybe the Dems will get the House back before Nov, well that's really not possible, however there is a special election in CO4 on June 25, this is Ken Bucks district. It's really conservative, however the R candidate is a placeholder candidate named Greg Lopez and he's an odious disaster (Google him and you will see he was arrested for domestic violence against a PREGNANT wife, and he's also completely against abortion with NO exceptions). The Democrat for this special election iis Trisha Calvarese and she's also running in the primary for the Nov slot; this is the district Boebert has switched to and Bobo actually has a good chance of winning. Anyways, You can find Calvarese on twitter (@trisha4colorado). It's unlikely a winnable seat, but if she really narrowed the margin, the Rs will get even more nervous than they already are, and that would be a good thing. I think it would be nice for you to interview her, since she will probably be running against Bobo in Nov., and we all hate Bobo.

Apart from that seat, Joe Reagan running in CO-5 (Colorado Springs) is a great candidate (veteran, similar in tone and age to Conor Lamb); Phil Ehr running in FL-28; Katrina Shankland running in WI-3 against the extremely awful Derrick Van Orden; and Janelle Stelson running against Scott Perry in PA10.

Thanks, I like your show.

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