Folks, I am astonished at the total abandonment of Joe Biden because of the debate. Meanwhile Trump supporters and GOP never waver from supporting him no matter how dishonest and vile he behaves everyday. Joe can and will be elected our next President. All of the fear mongering by pundits and ‘supporters’ is not helping. I am writing 200 postcards for each of the swing states. I suggest you get busy saving our Democracy by supporting Joe Biden through action instead of surrender!

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Hey, shit happens. As Jen Rubin said, GET A GRIP, PEOPLE! I’m writing this on Sunday afternoon and in the meantime, Joe’s poll numbers went up and he raised mega bucks afterwards. As for all those “Nattering nabobs of negativity”, go eff yourselves! Most of us are tired of hearing it. We are the adults in the room and recognize the deadly hazard posed by the Orange Cock Splat(yes, I borrowed that one from another commenter).

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Never stop fighting for freedom and rights

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Unfortunate it was Biden was off last night.... over prepped, under the weather, fighting a tornado of lies from a malignant narcissist! But I know he did better then I could have! I donated $$$ handsomely.

Below is ‘Get back up Joe’ from NC today! Watch and see whom you are REALLY voting for & share it tons!


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We’ve got to keep our eyes on the prize here people. Refocus, regroup and sally forth stronger.

As for religion, have you seen what’s going on in Oklahoma schools?

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It is simply ugly ageism and I am sick of it and I am out.

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Its sad to see the destruction of what the founding fathers created. And Biden has my vote no matter what. People cant expect a man of his age to be 100% everyday and honestly it looked like he was so pissed over all the lies Trump was saying it was making him unable to think straight I know it would have been hard for me to not walk over to that other podium.

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The best epithet for Trump I've heard is, "leaking sack of weasel shit".

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I watched the whole debate and I didn't freak out, because I was actually listening to what Biden said. If this had been according to high school debate rules, Trump would have been disqualified. No matter how poor this performance was, I'd vote for an overdone 7-11 hotdog over Trump.

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I really enjoy your writing, Fred. You've got "dog" instead of "dug" that spell check didn't catch. 😘

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Spot on. We have to understand the administration he’d surround himself with are the real monsters.

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