It’s not just a feeling of hope. There’s a lifting of dread too. It’s not completely gone because maga and the ex-president are still there and we still have to fight them. But it’s a start.

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Also, we know how horrible MAGA and TFG will be, because being destructive and horrible is all they know how to be.

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Oh, JOY!

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My big thing that goes along with getting in there and working to make Kamala’s run a success is going to your local boards of elections and find out if there is a hole somewhere that you can fill. This goes for everyone; all ages. The best way to fight against the “rigged election” chant is to work during an election and see how a real, honest-to-goodness election is actually run. Learn the rules in your state about electioneering or poll watching at the polling site. The disinformation about how our elections are conducted is rampant because of ignorance primarily. Yes, we know about voter suppression efforts in red states; that’s an argument to be had, certainly but working an election is a good way to start fighting back against election integrity.

As for Kamala Harris’s campaign, I’m there for it! As she’s been saying, “We won’t go back!” Forever ahead.

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